Healthy eating

A healthy lifestyle including physical exercise and healthy eating in childhood will help ensure a healthy future. A well balanced diet provides essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that kids need for strong bodies and proper brain development. Please respect our healthy food policy and do not bring lollies, chocolates and chips to Kindy. Due to existing allergies we are a nut free Kindergarten. No foods containing nuts are allowed.

Everybody enjoyed making a healthy lunch kebab at LovingCare . Thank you to all the parents who brought in fruit and veges for the kebabs!

We are very pleased to have noticed that the range of healthy eating options has increased in the lunches at LovingCare! With the reduction of unhealthy snacks, such as chips and biscuits, we have also reduced the amount of waste going to our bins. A healthy body creates a healthy mind ready to learn! Thanks to the parents who have put in the effort to support our healthy eating programme. : )